Asus A8N Deluxe sli (for anyone thats using one)

Ken Gunderson kgunders at
Fri Sep 2 08:47:33 PDT 2005

On Fri, 2 Sep 2005 14:41:00 +0100
Little Wooden Boy <notesoncircumscribingthesky at> wrote:

> The nve ethernet seemed to crash it all the time using 6.0-current,
> but recompiling the kernel without witness and having top running on
> the desktop at all times seems to stop the crash...
> I know this is only a temporary measure but it helps..
> Hope there is some work going on into a permanent fix, I'd like to
> stick with bsd.

Per the FBSD-AMD mainboard page:


I would have thought this board would +/- work with nve(4) under 6-
current.  Apparently it does not?  Anybody else can comment on their
experiences because I am close to buying an nForce4 Ultra based board.


Best regards,

Ken Gunderson

Q: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
A: Why is putting a reply at the top of the message frowned upon?

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