bad instability on FreeBSD/amd64 6.0

Nathan Vidican nvidican at
Mon Nov 28 18:06:47 GMT 2005

Wojciech Puchar wrote:
> i've read few articles on the net that FreeBSD/amd64 crashes very 
> frequently, contrary to /i386.
> how much truth is in that? i would strongly prefer to run amd64 system 
> on amd64 machine that i will buy this week.
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Been running for well over a year now - in production, from 5.3-RELEASE to 
6.0-RELEASE units in single and dual AMD Opterons, and on AMD Athlon 64 desktops 
- no instability as far as I've encountered, outside of some library and version 
compatability stuff with ldap/threads/nss_ldap - but still not cause lockup of 
machine or anything, just wayward ldap processes (problem fixed within 6.0-RC1 
and newer) - so would really reccomend you go with the 6.0 branch if you're 
going to be using nss/pam tied to an LDAP tree anyhow.

Nathan Vidican
nvidican at
Windsor Match Plate & Tool Ltd.

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