[CPU temperature]

tfagart at brozs.net tfagart at brozs.net
Tue May 31 03:48:23 PDT 2005

>> I haven't changed anything in terms of number of running
>> process, and nothing for me could explain this increase.
> Is the machine substantially less idle than before?  Would you
> have vmstat outputs (or equivalent) to compare?

I can't compare it, because now I only got a 5.4-amd64 running

But here's the vmstat output from the actual box
www1# vmstat
 procs      memory      page                    disks     faults      cpu
 r b w     avm    fre  flt  re  pi  po  fr  sr ad4 ad10   in   sy  cs us
sy id
 1 6 0  422056  90920 1044   0   0   0 1029   2   0   0 1294 1226 442  5 
2 93

What I can provide is vmstat in 5.3-i386 if useful.

> --
> FreeBSD Volunteer,     http://people.freebsd.org/~jkoshy

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