Dual Xeon EM64T crashes reliably w/ 5.x amd64

Palle Girgensohn girgen at pingpong.net
Sat May 28 02:09:33 PDT 2005

2005-05-27 kl. 20.38 skrev David O'Brien:

> On Thu, May 26, 2005 at 01:53:45AM +0200, Palle Girgensohn wrote:
>> cooling, yes. You can see my previous posts for more info, but in
>> short, we run php apache-1.3, postgresql-8.0.3, perl-5.8.6 (amavisd),
>> postfix, named, clamd. httpd is very busy.
>> CPUTYPE?=nocona
>> CFLAGS= -O -pipe
>> COPTFLAGS= -O -pipe
> I would try a system+kernel built w/o any thing in /etc/make.conf.
> I don't know of any issue that could be affecting you, but the data 
> point
> could be useful.

I'll try that next week. It's odd that the machine crashes so hard that 
it cannot create a core dump or even reboot. My gut feeling is that it 
is a hardware problem of some kind...?


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