ocaml-nox11-3.08.3_1 is marked as broken: Does not compile on !i386.

David O'Brien obrien at freebsd.org
Fri May 27 11:34:36 PDT 2005

On Fri, May 27, 2005 at 08:40:50PM +0400, Oleg Rusanov wrote:
> Hello.
> amd64# cd /usr/ports/lang/ocaml
> amd64# make
> ===>  ocaml-nox11-3.08.3_1 is marked as broken: Does not compile on !i386.

Not sure why Kris marked it that way.  'make WITHOUT_TK=1' built,
installed, and ran (best as I could test it) for me.  The ocaml README
even says:

    Tier 1 (actively used and maintained by the core Caml team):
        AMD64 (Opteron)    Linux
    Tier 2 (maintained but less actively, with help from users):
        AMD64              FreeBSD, OpenBSD

But you should ask him directly.
-- David  (obrien at FreeBSD.org)

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