Hello 64 World - My proposed 3Ware system

Peter Korsten peterk at maltanet.net
Thu May 5 14:19:15 PDT 2005

Toll, Eric wrote:

>  8006-2LP KIT     ESCALADE 8006-2LP                1       141.47      141.47
>  WD2500SD         WD CAVIAR 250GB RAID ED.SATA-3   2       149.98      299.96
>  GA-7A8DW         SERVER BOARDAMD 81118131+81      1       340.86      340.86
>  TITAN 550        ANTEC TITAN SERIES 550 CASE      1       209.87      209.87
>  OSA242AUBOX      OPTERON DP SERVER 242 PIB-R      2       217.77      435.54
>  KRX3200AK2/1G    1GB KIT(2X512)DDR400 REG HY      1       415.80      415.80
> Not bad for around $2,000.00 USD Eh?

My Athlon64 2.2 GHz system with 1 GB RAM, a simple CD-ROM, Asus A8N-SLI 
motherboard, Asus Extreme 6800 GT PCIe video card, 200 GB Seagate 
Barracuda S-ATA, some Antec case and a wireless Logitech desktop set me 
back 1275 euro. And that was 455 euro for the video card.

Admittedly, I tried to keep that a budget system (I kid ye not). But how 
about waiting a bit and getting a dual core AMD chip?

- Peter

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