Working and broken Linux ports on amd64

Astrodog astrodog at
Thu Mar 31 09:06:44 PST 2005

On Thu, 31 Mar 2005 10:05:37 -0600, Scot Hetzel <swhetzel at> wrote:
> On Thu, 31 Mar 2005 12:14:47 +0100, Michael Hopkins
> <michael.hopkins at> wrote:
> > In general
> > ----------
> > A lot of Linux ports are giving this message which I suspect may not always
> > be appropriate:
> >
> > only for i386, and you are running amd64.
> >
> For the ports that are giving you that message, try adding amd64 to
> the ONLY_FOR_ARCHS variable, and try to install and run the program.

There's another slight issue. Some ports try to use system RPM, (Which
causes the error he's talking about), and others try to use Linux RPM.
The only way I've found to make this work, is to set it to always use
Linux RPM, and to allow amd64 in the ONLY FOR ARCHS... Otherwise, it
barfs somewhere along the way, either during the RPM, or during the
make. Is there any way, currently in ports, to detect linux emulation?
Or better yet, could we just make linux_base_8 a prereq for Linux
ports (Or something along those lines), then resolve this AMD64/i386
stuff on that ONE port, and have all the other linux ports just trust,
that if that one is there, things will work? From what I understand,
the goal is to have complete Linux32 compat... (Or, atleast as good as
i386's), in which case any port that doesn't work under Linux32 has a
bug of some sort to resolve, and should be considered a special case.

I may try adding a "Linux Compat" dependancy.... (IE,
/usr/compat/linux must exist, or the kernel must have Linux support).
Then we can just go off the assumption that if Linux support is there,
the arch you're installing to is irrelevent. Long term.... Perhaps a
Linux32 and Linux64 dep? Not sure. Anyone have thoughts on that? I
know its been discussed before, but I don't think a resolution ever
came out of it. Same goes for /usr/compat, I suppose. For now, I'm
going to go with the assumption that there will be /compat/linux32 and
linux64. If this has been resolved, let me know so I can make the
ports fix I'm gonna work on reflect that.

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