Cross-compiling/porting to Linux

Ulrik Guenther ulrik at
Thu Mar 31 02:16:28 PST 2005

Hi Michael,

the following commands have to be issued for correct installation of the 
mkdir /compat/linux
cd /compat/linux
tar xvpzf /somewhere/aaa_base-10.0.0-noarch-1.tgz
sh install/
rmdir dev home root tmp var/tmp
tar xvpzf /somewhere/aaa_elflibs-9.2.0-i486-1.tgz
sh install/
tar xvpzf /somewhere/glibc-solibs-2.3.2-i486-6.tgz
!!! sed -e 's,/sbin/ldconfig,/nonexistent,g' -e 's,cp -a,cp -p,g' -i '' 
sh install/
tar xvpzf /somewhere/x11-6.7.0-i486-4.tgz
sh install/
echo '/usr/X11R6/lib' >etc/
brandelf -t Linux sbin/ldconfig

The sed command (before which I put the three !) is of utmost 
importance, otherwise one *will* get the error you got.
If you have done all correctly, just try it again, it's a bit tricky.
I already used this procedure on about three installations (two i386 and 
one amd64) and for me it works better than the redhat rpms from the 
ports. But I have to say that I had the same problem like you once, I 
think it was on the amd64 machine, I tried it again and it worked very 
well. Have you used Slackware 10 or 10.1 by the way?

Have fun ;)

Michael Hopkins wrote:
> Hmmm...
> All Linux commands fail with this   :o{
> root at Athlon /usr/compat/linux/usr/bin # ./gcc -v
> ELF interpreter /lib/ not found
> Abort trap
> I wonder if this is to do with the error message I got when running this at
> the end of section 2?
> sbin/ldconfig
> M
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