Tyan k8sr lockups

Sten Spans sten at blinkenlights.nl
Tue Mar 29 16:39:27 PST 2005

On Tue, 29 Mar 2005, Vivek Khera wrote:

> I have a brand new Tyan k8sr based system with a megaraid 320-2X controller 
> in it.
> This is my second copy of this box (the first one is being replaced since it 
> keeps locking up and reporting "memory size changed" in the BIOS, even with a 
> new motherboard)...
> Anynow, this particular machine has just simply locked up with no errors 
> reported to console or syslog or BIOS.  It does have a newer BIOS rev, so 
> perhaps that is why nothing is logged to BIOS...  This happens during times 
> of heavy loads (large database reports, database dump, database replication 
> all simultaneously running).  If the machine doesn't crash, I'll see a "bge0 
> timeout -- resetting" in the syslog most days during the time of heavy load 
> (reports run on a remote client).
> I see at http://unix.derkeiler.com/Mailing-Lists/FreeBSD/hackers/2005-03/ 
> 0419.html that this is happening to at least one other person on this 
> motherboard, but using the on-board controller.
> Someone else just noted similar lockups with 5.3 with SMP running mysql, and 
> about 2 weeks ago there was a discussion about amr driver panic under 
> 5.4-PRERELEASE, both on the stable@ list.  However these were not amd64 
> systems, if that matters.

There was an amr panic related to the management ioctls
which was fixed and backported to RELENG_5. You should have
this fix. amr controllers a supported quite well on freebsd
thanks to Scott's great work.

The only way to get closer to solving these problems
is to dig and try to narrow it down:

- Have you tried running with debugging ?
- Have you tried using other network cards ?
   ( yeah that sucks I know )
- Are you absolutely sure that all the disks are working ?
   ( there have been reports of amr cards acting strange with
     silently failing disks )
- Have you got the ufs fixes recently backported to releng_5 ?

These are the first I can think of. RELENG_5 seems to be
a bit of a moving target with some quite critical fixes
going in ( which is good offcourse :).

Sten Spans

"There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in."
Leonard Cohen - Anthem

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