AMD64/rel 5.3 - success with OpenOffice! (linux_compat)

dR dystopianrebel at
Fri Mar 4 06:12:27 GMT 2005

My thanks to you, Mike and Jung-uk!

I am finally able to use OpenOffice on my FreeBSD box!
I'm so happy, I'm typing this in OO to let you know.

Here are the steps that I followed, slightly adapted
from yours (see **):

1. Rebuild and install kernel with:

options COMPAT_43
options COMPAT_LINUX32

2. reboot
3. add the following to /etc/fstab

linprocfs /usr/compat/linux/proc linprocfs rw 0 0

4. mount /usr/compat/linux/proc
**5. cd /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base-8 && make
install clean

(I could not install linux_base; I had to use

6. cd /usr/ports/java/linux-sun-jdk14 && make install
7. cd /usr/local/src   # or where ever you want
8. fetch 
9. tar -zxvf OOo_2.0bc_LinuxIntel_install.tar.gz
10. cd RPMS
11. mv openofficeorg* /usr/compat/linux   # (do this
that the extracted usr/bin and usr/share stuff are put
in the right place later)
12. cd /usr/compat/linux
**13. For each RPM file, run 
rpm2cpio [filename] | tar -xvf - 

I know it's clumsy, but it got me on the bus. :o)

14. rm openofficeorg*rpm
15. echo "/opt/openoffice.org1.9.79/program/filter" 

**15 i) Ensure that the paths in are FULLY

**15 ii) Ensure that this line is in

16. /usr/compat/linux/sbin/ldconfig

17. Run 

- - -

Until we can build OO natively on 5.3 Release/AMD64 (I
get an error about "soltools"), this solution will
work for me. I'm very grateful to you. Thanks again!

Ottawa, Canada

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