[FIXED] Sound/volume control problem

Ryan R. freebsd at epicoftimewasted.com
Thu Jun 23 20:44:11 GMT 2005

Ok, it's time to open mouth and insert foot I believe.  I've long since
lost the manual for this sound card, and have ripped the computer apart so
many times since the manual was last seen.  To make a long, rather
embarrassing story short, I had my speakers hooked up incorrectly.  I hate
when the solution is so simple that you think it could never be that easy.
 I believe a wise man once said... "Doh!"

Thanks though, I had never heard of bmp, and at first glance it looks
pretty nice.  I'll have to see if I like it more than xmms.


> Ryan R. wrote:
>> Is this a FreeBSD error, or a user error?  Is there anything that I
>> could
>> try to fix the problem?  Thanks.
> That is a xmms error. In Output/esd/mixer.c and Output/OSS/mixer.c, ioctl
> is called with a int declared request argument. Regarding to the ioctl
> manpage it has to be long instead of int. On 32bit platforms that doesn't
> matter since int has the same size than long has. On 64bit platforms int
> and long differs. I made two patches to multimedia/beep-media-player
> which are fixing those problems in bmp. They should be easily adoptable
> for xmms since bmp is a xmms fork.
> for reference:
> multimedia/beep-media-player/files/patch-Output-esd-mixer.c
> multimedia/beep-media-player/files/patch-Output-OSS-mixer.c
> --
>  Oliver Lehmann
>   http://www.pofo.de/
>   http://wishlist.ans-netz.de/

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