6.0-Current and gcc 4.x

Peter Korsten peterk at maltanet.net
Sun Jun 19 05:58:56 GMT 2005

David O'Brien schreef:

> On Sat, Jun 18, 2005 at 06:47:03AM -0600, Scott Long wrote:
>>Given all the disruptions in the past 3 years over gcc
>>3.x, I think it would be nice to take a small break and not be on the
>>bleeding edge of gcc.
> I think you're grossly over exagerating the "disruptions" over GCC 3.x.

I remember having to go back a version of GCC 3.x, because it wouldn't 
actually compile code. And going back with GCC is not a fun thing to do 
if you don't have a working compiler.

- Peter

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