What kind of MotherBoard is better for FreeBsd and linux?
Adriaan de Groot
groot at kde.org
Mon Jun 13 21:56:14 GMT 2005
On Monday 13 June 2005 18:06, Francisco Reyes wrote:
> On Mon, 13 Jun 2005, Pav Lucistnik wrote:
> > If people feel like we should have RAID cards on FreeBSD/amd64 list, we
> > should start one :)
> I think that belongs in the hardware notes.. but it would be nice if
> people indicated if they tested the RAID component of motherboards.
> Just my opinion...
How about the attached layout for the motherboards page? It opens up some more
space for notes and reduces the amount of, well, research required. I hope.
I've just done the top few motherboards alphabetically and added stuff where
I know what's going on. I'll do the rest too if this is deemed an
These are your friends - Adem
GPG: FEA2 A3FE Adriaan de Groot
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FreeBSD/amd64 Project -- motherboards
On this page we try to collect information about motherboards for the
amd64 architecture and their ability to run FreeBSD. If a particular
motherboard is not listed here, chances are we do not know about it.
Please submit new entries or correction of existing entries using
[2]send-pr(1) or [3]web form. Please set category to www.
Abit Asus Gigabyte HP
* [4]AV8
* [5]A8N-SLI Deluxe
* [6]A8V Deluxe
* [7]K8V-SE Deluxe
* [8]K8V-X
* [9]Ga-7A8DW
* [10]Ga-K8NS
* [11]Ga-K8NS Pro
* [12]Ga-K8VT800
* [13]ProLiant BL45p
* [14]ProLiant DL145
* [15]ProLiant DL380 G4
Model Socket Chipset NIC RAID Audio Submitter
939 VIA K8T800 vge(4) Not Tested Not Tested [17]Daniel O'Connor
(5.3-RELEASE) The NIC driver (vge(4)) only works if statically
compiled into the kernel.
Model Socket Chipset NIC RAID Audio Submitter
[18]A8N-SLI Deluxe
939 nVidia nForce4 SLI nve(4) Sil3114 Not Tested [19]Florent Thoumie
(5.4-STABLE [20]dmesg) On-board nForce ethernet controller will only
work with nve(4) which is only in 6-CURRENT (as of Apr 2005).
SATA-RAID Controller is Sil3114, recognized only as generic ATA
controller; RAID not supported at all in 5-STABLE.
[21]A8V Deluxe
939 VIA K8T800 Not Tested Not Tested Not Tested [22]Sangwoo Shim
[23]Brian Thomas
(5.4-STABLE [24]dmesg
(6-CURRENT (Apr 2005) [25]dmesg [26]K8V SE Deluxe
754 VIA K8T800 sk(4) VIA KT800
Promise 20378 VIA8237 [27]Clément Martin
(5.4-STABLE [28]dmes RAID mirroring tested on both, fully functional. RAID mirrors (at
least) are compatible across the controllers as well, so you can move
disks from one controller to another. Audio is mostly normal, although
the mixer(1) settings are off: the "vol" channel has no effect, so you
need to use the "ogain" channel instead.
xmbmon(1) does not autodetect correct monitoring mode, needs -I flag.
754 VIA K8T800 sk(4) Not Tested Not Tested [30]Joseph Koshy
(5.4-STABLE) Audio is yet to be tested. The on-board sk0 ethernet
controller had issues with 5.3-RELEASE.
[31]home | [32]contact | [33]legal | © 1995-2005 The
FreeBSD Project. All rights reserved.
Last modified: 2005/06/13 15:22:41
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