What kind of MotherBoard is better for FreeBsd and linux?

Pav Lucistnik pav at FreeBSD.org
Mon Jun 13 13:40:42 GMT 2005

Toll, Eric píše v po 13. 06. 2005 v 09:27 -0400:

> I *did* put quite a lot of info into the notes, but they
> (the person updating the HTML) truncated it to: "SATA
> untested" for the Gigabyte board I submitted (GA-7A8DW) -- I
> had a small paragraph of notes to include which again were
> *truncated*.

That person was me. Honestly, the rest of your submission was about
parts you plugged into the board, which obviously does not belong into
the _motherboard_ entry.

If people feel like we should have RAID cards on FreeBSD/amd64 list, we
should start one :)

Pav Lucistnik <pav at oook.cz>
              <pav at FreeBSD.org>

25 And the Lord spoke unto the Angel that guarded the eastern gate, saying,
   Where is the flaming sword which was given unto thee?
26 And the Angel said, I had here only a moment ago, I must have put it down
   some where, forget my own head next.
27 And the Lord did not ask him again.
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