Freebsd on motherboard GIGABYTE GA-K8NF-9

Scott Long scottl at
Thu Jun 9 16:47:20 GMT 2005

Francisco wrote:
> On Thu, 9 Jun 2005, Artur wrote:
> I don't see it listed at 
> so nobody may have reported it working... check what chipset it has.
> If it's the nVididia Nforce3 250 it will not work with the RAID and 
> possibly the network card.
> I just got a GA-K8NS and neither the LAN or RAID worked.

It's an nForce4.  I run FreeBSD 6-CURRENT on it as my normal desktop. 
The only thing that doesn't work is the ethernet port.  The driver will
pretend to attach and configure the device, but will panic on the first
attempt to bring the PHY up.  I somewhat understand the cause of this,
but I haven't had time to dig into the miibus code and really figure it
out.  But otherwise, it works very well.  It works less well in 5-STABLE
due to infrastructure differences that are likely not to be merged back.


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