fatal trap 12 in pagedaemon on dual-core opteron machine

Vivek Khera vivek at khera.org
Mon Jul 11 15:08:42 GMT 2005

On Jul 9, 2005, at 7:57 PM, Mykel wrote:

> It's NICs I'm pretty sure. We've used various stages of 5.3 and 5.4  
> to no avail. I'm about to start RMA'ing them... but when all 3 die  
> the same way... I'm not encouraged.
> Presently we're running ggates across the fxp cards and they've  
> been solid (so far... we only started yesterday)
> Are you using the onboard bge or PCI em?

i've had similar experience with tyan S2881 and dual opterons.  i  
disable the onboard NICs and use intel em driver cards and have not  
had a crash on either box for going on 2 months now.  i'm not sure  
the NICs onboard are bad -- it could be the FreeBSD driver too.

Vivek Khera, Ph.D.
+1-301-869-4449 x806

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