Would this system work correctly with FreeBSD 5.3 ?

Freddie Cash fcash-ml at sd73.bc.ca
Wed Jan 26 08:26:30 PST 2005

On January 21, 2005 03:29 pm, Hugo Silva wrote:
> I'm buying a Quad AMD Opteron 64 bits, with 4GB memory. I'd like to
> know if FreeBSD 5.3 will support a quad-cpu system (with HTT, 8)

Opterons do not support HyperThreading.  They don't need it.

> correctly, without performance losses and consistent operation, no
> crashes etc. Is the 4GB memory still a problem in amd64 ?

> Lastly, I'd like to hear experiences of linux-compat games (such as
> enemy territory, call of duty, halflife 2) running on FreeBSD-AMD64
> -- Do they work correctly on this 64bit CPU system ?

> I want to use FreeBSD as I use on all my servers, but I want to be
> sure 4 CPUs, 4GB of ram, and 64 bit architecture won't bring me any
> stability/usability problems under AMD64.

The i386 (32-bit) port will run just fine on the system.

The AMD64 (64-bit) port should run just fine.  I've only played with 
dual-proc Opteron systems in 32-bit and 64-bit mode, and they ran fine 
(8 GB RAM), using 5.3-RELEASE.

Freddie Cash, CCNT CCLP        Helpdesk / Network Support Tech.
School District 73             (250) 377-HELP [377-4357]
fcash-ml at sd73.bc.ca

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