FreeBSD 6.0-Release AMD64 3DM2 3ware 7506-8

Henry Vogt hv at
Fri Dec 9 01:08:35 PST 2005

Am 09.12.2005 um 01:34 schrieb Tom Cumming:

>>        I am having some trouble getting 3dm2 up and running on my
>> server. I have installed via the ports and i have also downloaded the
>> software from 3ware's support site. However, none seem to work for  
>> me.
>> If anyone has this working, could you tell me what, exactly, i  
>> need to do.
>    The problem is:
> CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 2.80GHz (2800.11-MHz K8-class CPU)
>    The SSL library 3ware is using only works for  32 bit, so 64 bit  
> isn't
> supported (yet). I believe the CLI works fine (of course I say  
> that, being a
> CLI snob).

Strange, the 3dm, installed via ports, works here flawlessly on  
several 6.0-STABLE amd64  64bit machines:

pkg_info | grep 3dm
3dm-,1   3ware RAID controller monitoring daemon and web  

Webinterface shows the following version info:
Last updated Fri, Dec 09, 2005 09:57.33AM
3DM 2 version (64 bit)

Henry Vogt <hv at>  (Phone: ++49-7071-601-511)
Network- and Systemadminstration
Campus Max-Planck-Institutes, Spemannstr. 32-39, Tübingen, Germany

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