FreeBSD 6.0-Release AMD64 3DM2 3ware 7506-8

Michael R. Wayne amd64 at
Thu Dec 8 09:16:34 PST 2005

On Thu, Dec 08, 2005 at 08:19:36AM -0600, David McNett wrote:
> On 07-Dec-2005, Tom Cumming wrote:
> >    What do you mean by, "not working"? Can you be more specific? I can't
> > help you with, "not working".
> I'm not the original poster, but I presume he's referring to 3dmd's inability
> to bind to its port when running in amd64.  I've never been able to get 3dmd
> to successfully listen on a port (and thus provide its web interface) except
> on i386 systems.
> It doesn't crash, it just runs without listening for connections.

I wasted a call to tech support on this a while back.  Note that
3ware changed to use https with recent releases, you will get no
response on http.

/\/\ \/\/

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