Tyan S2885 Thunder K8W lockups

David O'Brien obrien at freebsd.org
Tue Aug 2 18:00:24 GMT 2005

On Wed, Jul 27, 2005 at 03:43:29PM +0900, NAKATA Maho wrote:
> Hello
> sometimes my opteron box locks up recently,
> it seems that there are some discussion about this issue
> on the list.
> * set hw.physmem="4G" doesn't help

Try something like "3G" instead.

> workaround:
> on board GbE (bge0) and SATA disabled.

I've found that the Silicon Images SATA driver isn't >4GB clean.
I can easily panic my Iwill DK8X with 8GB of RAM when I try to use a
Silicon Images based SATA mirror.

-- David  (obrien at FreeBSD.org)

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