Boot Error

Beecher Rintoul akbeech at
Tue Aug 2 00:36:14 GMT 2005

I'm getting the following error while trying to boot:

int=0000000d	err=00000000	efl=0010006	eip=00027995
eax=00000100	ebx=00000000	ecx=c000000	edx=00000000
esi=00000200	edi=0006d5f0	ebp=0093630	esp=0009d600
cs=0008	ds=0010	es=0010	fs=0010	gs=0010	ss=0010
cs:eip=0f 30 0f 20 e0 83 c8 30-0f 22 e0 b8 00 f0 03 00 of 22 d8 0f 20
c0 0d 00-00 00 80 0f 22 c0 b8 00
ss:esp=69 95 00 00 00 40 dd 00-00 50 dd 00 00 10 04 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 04 00-00 00 00 00 00 40 dd 00

BTX halted

I have tried both 5.4-release and 6.0-beta with the same results. The
machine works fine with i386 5.4. The box is an MSI K8t Neo Mobo,
running a 2800+ Sempron.
Anyone have a suggestion?


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