FreeBSD won't install or boot on HP NX9110 notebook

Neil Short neshort at
Wed Sep 29 00:11:39 PDT 2004

This issue has been covered heavily over in the AMD64
list. The issue has been on the burner for several
months. It is moving down the priority list. I guess
it doesn't affect enough users. Plus, the known fix
requires modifying code that has been a part of the
system for a long time; so commiters aren't motivated
to change it. There is actually a fix for it but it is
really difficult to pull off because you have to make
your own bootable media.

It is uniqe to the nVidia3/AMD (64 and -M) chipset on
laptop computers.

Here is the note that provides the patch:

You have to go to a different computer and build your
own set of installable CDs; then install on your
computer but before rebooting, open the rescue shell
and copy the built kernel to the hard drive to replace
the generic one that is automatically in the root

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