Current problem reports assigned to you - Re: boot fails on AMD Compaqs and HPs

Neil Short neshort at
Wed Sep 8 11:46:48 PDT 2004

re: compaq presario r3000z and HP Pavillion zv5000
boot failure.

This is an issue that bounced around both this list
and the mobile list several months ago. A user came up
with a patch which is complicated to install because
you have to compile it on a different machine and make
your own installable media. He suggested we focus our
efforts on the AMD64 list.

The problem seems really to be with the nforce3
chipset that runs both AMD64 and Athlon-M processors.

The patch he suggests is well presented in the mailing

Much gratitude to Jung-uk Kim for coming up with this

There may be a better solution somewhere else in the
OS. It sure would be cool if this were fixed.

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