cputype FX-53

David O'Brien obrien at freebsd.org
Sun Nov 21 18:13:30 PST 2004

On Sat, Nov 20, 2004 at 10:05:09AM +0100, Lars Tunkrans wrote:
> Gert Cuykens wrote:
> >Hi whats the cputype of a FX-53 please
> The FX-53  is an overclock-able, 2.4 Ghz, 1MB 2nd-levelcache, AMD64 Opteron 
> 150.
> The FX-55  is the same but runs at 2.6 Ghz nominal speed.

The FX-53 940-pin FX-53 is mostly an Opteron 150.

The FX-55 is 939-pin only (there is also a 939-pin FX-53 ADAFX53DEP5AS).
And thus won't work in the same motherboard as the Opteron and original

The CPU type for all of these is AMD64 64-bit.  They all can also run
FreeBSD/i386 extremely well.

-- David  (obrien at FreeBSD.org)

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