Peer review of AMD64/FreeBSD article

Bill Squire billsf at
Fri Mar 12 09:59:06 PST 2004

On Fri, Mar 12, 2004 at 07:08:33AM -0500, Jem Matzan wrote:
> I've just finished writing this article comparing performance between an 
> Athlon64 in 32-bit and 64-bit mode using FreeBSD:
> (this is a temporary address which will later redirect to the published 
> article)
> I've checked it over twice for fact accuracy, but I would like other 
> eyes to look at it before it goes to press. I haven't spell-checked it 
> yet, so don't worry about that... I just want to make sure I haven't 
> made any factual errors.
> Please note that the companion articles referenced in this review (the 
> ULE vs 4BSD and the FreeBSD Benchmarking articles) are not yet complete, 
> and their links will go to the 404 page for right now. I hope to have 
> them done soon.
> I'm subscribed to the list through a redirected email address with no 
> SMTP access, so you don't have to forward responses to me directly.
> -Jem

Real quick. ULE has always been fine on AMD machines since it has been
an option in the ordinary 'distros'. There were a few bugs and bumps 
along the way but with fast processors and U160/320 SCSI I'm never been
let down. It works well with SATA and very poor with ordinary IDE and 
with ATAPI -- FORGET IT! As a 'server person', its the better choice.



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