Status web page?

Sean McNeil sean at
Thu Jun 10 19:34:07 GMT 2004

On Thu, 2004-06-10 at 01:33, Tim Robbins wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 09, 2004 at 01:05:18AM -0700, Sean McNeil wrote:
> > Linux compatability.  I've read emails about a possible Linux/amd64
> > compatability.  The old grey matter is failing me, though, about the
> > details.  Don't recall anything about Linux/i386 other than, perhaps, a
> > mention in passing in emails.  My guess is that once i386 compatability
> > is mature enough, Linux/i386 compat should follow relatively soon
> > after.  Don't have a clue about Linux/amd64 compatability.
> I've been working on Linux/i386 compatibility for the last day or two, and may
> eventually get around to doing Linux/amd64 if there is enough interest.
> I'm at the stage now where I can run many moderately-complex programs,
> including most of GNU coreutils from Slackware -current.
> Behold:
> $ uname -srm
> FreeBSD 5.2-tjr amd64
> $ file /compat/linux/bin/echo
> /compat/linux/bin/echo: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.0.0, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), stripped
> $ /compat/linux/bin/uname -srm
> Linux 2.4.2 amd64
> $ /compat/linux/bin/echo hello from amd64
> hello from amd64
> I may post patches for testing in a week or so.

That would be awesome.  Then I won't have to boot up the old Linux
system for some embedded work I'm doing.  The compiler I have for that
is Linux/i386 and I can't get them to give me the changes they made to
binutils/gnu for a native compiler.

I seems you are pretty active with amd64 development, Tim.  For a status
page I guess you would be listed as working on Linux compatability along
with the recent progress.

But from your lack of mention of anywhere this info is available, I
assume there is no such thing as a status page.  Is there anyone else
interested in something like that besides myself?  Should the mailing
list be the source of status for these kinds of things?  If there should
be a web page, where should it go?

For me, I have been working to get Eclipse functional.  I've decided to
try to do this with gcj/gij.  So far, I have gcc (gcj/gij) from cvs
building and I'm tracking down issues with the garbage collector.

I've built SableVM as well, but haven't tested it at all.


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