How to convert from i386 to amd64

George Mitchell george at
Mon Jul 12 16:54:54 PDT 2004

Some further information about what I've tried so far:

The stock FreeBSD 5.2.1-amd64 CD-ROM gets as far as showing me the
daemon boot screen.  I select booting without ACPI and get the
spinning bar for a couple of seconds and then:

int=0000000d  err=00000000  efl=00010006  eip=00025e59
eax=00000100  abx=00033000  ecx=c0000080  edx=00000000
esi=00064bd0  edi=00032000  ebp=000944a0  esp=0009e470
cs=0008  ds=0010  es=0010    fs=0010  gs=0010  ss=0010
cs:eip=0f 30 0f 20 e0 83 c8 30-0f 22 e0 b8 00 b0 03 00
       0f 22 d8 0f 20 c0 d0 00-00 00 80 0f 22 c0 b8 00
ss:esp=69 95 00 00 00 60 c6 00-00 70 c6 00 00 d0 03 00
       00 00 00 00 00 c0 03 00-00 00 00 00 00 60 c6 00
BTX halted

(Transcribed by hand.)                                -- George

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