Opterons drop 30% in price today

Eric Kuhnke eric at fnordsystems.com
Tue Oct 28 07:50:03 PST 2003

As a reaction to Intel's price drop two days ago, AMD has dropped pricing 
on the 24x series of Opterons by approximately 30%.  The 2.0GHz unit has 
not changed, but the 1.4, 1.6 and 1.8 are now 30% less expensive:


Old Intel prices:
3.2/800BX  P4/3.2G 800MHZ 478PIN 512K BOX $581.00
3.06/533BX P4/3.06 533MHZ 478PIN 512K BOX $362.00
3.0/800BX  P4/3.0G 800MHZ 478PIN 512K BOX $385.00
2.8/800BX  P4/2.8G 800MHZ 478PIN 512K BOX $271.00
2.8/533BX  P4/2.8G 533MHZ 478PIN 512K BX $254.00

New Intel prices:
P4/3.2-478/800(512K) NA/409
P4/3.0-478/800(512K) NA/275
P4/3.06G-478/533(512K) NA/264
P4/2.8G-478/800(512K) 242/217


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