Apple's Sr. HW VP's think they made the first 2P [commodity] desktop

David O'Brien obrien at
Fri Jul 18 17:09:07 PDT 2003

OK, it's Friday so here is something to giggle about.  It seems Apple's
Sr. HW VP's need educating about the 64-bit competition -- maybe JKH can
walk over with the clue-bat. :-)

This is an interview with Apple and IBM reps, on the release of Apple's
new dual workstation.  The article is linked here, with just the
AMD-related parts copied below.

DMN: Now, you're saying it's the first 64-bit desktop machine. But isn't
there an Opteron dual-processor machine? It shipped on June 4th. BOXX
Technologies shipped it.  It has an Opteron 244 in it.

Rubinstein: Uh...

Akrout: It's not a desktop.

DMN: That's a desktop unit.

Akrout: It depends on what you call a desktop, now. These... From a full
desktop per se, this is the first one. I don't know how you really
distinguish the other one as a desktop.

DMN: Well, it's a dual processor desktop machine, just like that one.

Akrout: It's not 64, then.

DMN: Yes, it's a 64-bit machine with two Opteron chips in it.  It started
shipping June 4th.

Akrout: That we'll double check, but in my mind, it wasn't.


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