Boot floppy panic

freebsduser at freebsduser at
Sat Dec 20 16:19:03 PST 2003

Trying to use the boot floppies kern.flp and mfsroot.flp on an Opteron 246 with an Asus SK8N mobo, 1 gb dual channel memory and such. After inserting the MFS root it seems to scoot along fine until....

Fatal trap 9: general protection fault while in kernel mode
instruction pointer = 0x58:0x207c
stack pointer = 0x10:0xf80
frame pointer = 0x10:0x0
              = DPL 0, pres 1, def32 0, gran 0
processor eflags = interrupt enabled, resume, IOPL = 0
current process = 0 (swapper)
trap number = 9
panic: general protection fault
Uptime: 1s

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