5.2 and amd64 - good enough for a production server?

Joe Fenton jlfenton at citlink.net
Tue Dec 16 12:26:29 PST 2003

> From: Nakata Maho <chat95 at mbox.kyoto-inet.or.jp>
> Subject: Re: 5.2 and amd64 - good enough for a production server?
> 4) and 4.9-RELEASE (i386) doesn't work, hangs while looking for ad0

Is this when trying to boot? I ran into something that sounds
similar on my MSI Master2-FAR Opteron system - when booting,
it would start to list the devices, but only show the floppy.
It was like it was hanging while looking for the harddrive.
Actually, it was hanging while looking for drive B. I had
a USB floppy plugged into the system which the BIOS mapped
as B. The FreeBSD booter can't handle a USB floppy mapped
as B. Unplugging the USB floppy allowed the booter to run
properly. I imagine that disabling the BIOS support of the 
USB floppy would also work.

I've debated whether or not to fill out a FreeBSD bug report
on this. I haven't seen a report of this in the list, but a
few were similar.

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