SV: Packages/Ports problem

Jimmie Houchin jhouchin at
Thu Dec 11 06:16:47 PST 2003

Matt Douhan wrote:
>>Is there any way to tell what all will get installed when I make 
>>something? Or do I need to take care of dependencies myself?
>>I'm used to Debian and Gentoo and not familiar with how FreeBSD handles 
>>dependencies and such.
> It is handled automatically by the ports system

Good. :)

I know FreeBSD was much of the inspiration for the Gentoo main developer.

>>Peter has cvsup-without-gui on his FreeBSD site.
>>I just haven't been able to get it.
>>To my understanding I currently only have the ftp program on my machine. 
>>I don't know how to use it to get the package.
> pkg_add -r cvsup-without-gui

That has failed with something like no such file on server error.

But I'm about to do a fresh install this afternoon/evening after I redo 
my partions and will try again.


Jimmie Houchin

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