Starting FreeBSD from AlphaBIOS

Nikos Ntarmos ntarmos at
Fri Nov 30 14:42:25 PST 2007

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On Fri, Nov 30, 2007 at 09:03:55PM +0100, Ruzsinszky Attila wrote:
> > Ummm... So you already have SRM loaded and it is the default firmware?
> Yes.
> > If yes, have a look at the FreeBSD handbook[1] and/or the alpha
> > installation instructions for your release of choice (e.g. [2] for
> > 6.2R) for ways to boot your machine and to install FreeBSD on it,
> > respectively.
> FreeBSD is running. I think you don't understand my problem.
> RAID firmware is on the floppy disk.
> How can I start it from SRM? I don't know. filename is: ra200rcu.exe
> If I want to configure my RAID controller I have to start AlphaBIOS from SRM.
> It is not problem.
> >From the AlphaBIOS I can start the named file from the floppy. It is all right.
> When I finish my work with RAID controller I exit from RCU sw. I will be
> again in AlphaBIOS. How can I go back to SRM without pusing the RESET
> button? (I'm on the serial console which is connected to a terminal server.)
> How can I reset the machine in this state like init in SRM?
> That is the problem.
> SRM is a must because on the other disks there are a VMS, NetBSD and
> I want to choose among them.

Ok... I had completely misunderstood your problem. My AlphaBios machines
are 250km away and off at the moment, so I can't check it out (and I
haven't used alphabios for ages). OTOH AS4x00s come with RMC, although
you have to power it (there is an inlet by the keyboard plug where you
should connect a 9-12V DC adapter). If that is already there, try typing
<escape><escape>rmc. That will take you to the RMC's prompt, where you
can type 'reset' and the system will reboot. If you don't have any DC
adapter there but intend to remotely administer this machine, perhaps it
would be a good idea to add one.


Version: GnuPG v2.0.4 (FreeBSD)
Comment: Nikos Ntarmos <ntarmos at>


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