Starting FreeBSD from AlphaBIOS

Nikos Ntarmos ntarmos at
Fri Nov 30 11:48:54 PST 2007

Hash: SHA1

On Fri, Nov 30, 2007 at 07:40:03PM +0100, Ruzsinszky Attila wrote:
> > If you're going to run anything other than NT, you'd better go the
> > SRM
> It is the default, of course.
> > way. If your board doesn't have SRM loaded, head over to [1] for
> > download and installation instructions. You will then be able to
> > enter the AlphaBios setup program and select SRM from Utilities ->
> > CMOS Setup - -> Advanced -> Console selection. Keep in mind that
> > you'll need BSD-type disklabels on your boot disk, but that's ok
> > with Linux and all BSDs.
> I will check it next monday.
> > There is also a method to swith between AlphaBios and SRM; have a
> > look at [2] (although that one pertains more to the linux folk).
> > FWIW I switched my 164SX to SRM a decade ago and never looked back
> > at AlphaBios since then...
> It will be checked, too.
> In the floppy drive now there is a floppy disk with ra200ecu.exe (and
> some other files related to Mylex RAID controller). Can I use this
> floppy disk?
> I don't understand exactly the mentioned sfdisk command. Of course
> there aren't any hdX drive in my machine just sdX.

The thing is that AlphaBios doesn't understand bsd-style disklabels, so
if you want to be able to switch between the two and boot your system
from both, you have to do that trick so that both of them will be able
to read your partition table.

> > Some of the alpha boards didn't have enough space for both firmware
> > images and you could have only one of them loaded at each time (and
> > needed to flash the other one back, should you decide to change
> > firmwares), so ymmv.
> After POS SRM is starting. From the >>> prompt I can start AlphaBIOS
> so I think I don't have to reflash in every time. The machine is:
> AS4000

Ummm... So you already have SRM loaded and it is the default firmware?
If yes, have a look at the FreeBSD handbook[1] and/or the alpha
installation instructions for your release of choice (e.g. [2] for
6.2R) for ways to boot your machine and to install FreeBSD on it,


Version: GnuPG v2.0.4 (FreeBSD)
Comment: Nikos Ntarmos <ntarmos at>


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