Cross-Building Alpha on i386

Thomas Laus lausts at
Mon Jul 16 19:12:37 UTC 2007

Date sent:      	Mon, 16 Jul 2007 17:18:04 +0200
From:           	Wilko Bulte <wb at>
Subject:        	Re: Cross-Building Alpha on i386
To:             	Thomas Laus <lausts at>
Copies to:      	freebsd-alpha at

> Did you run setcdboot on the ISO before burning it on CD?  If you don't
> it won't be bootable. 
> Can't comment on how well X-building works in x86, I always built natively
> on Alpha.
I had to hunt for that program, `setcdboot'.  It was in /ports/sysutils.  I 
built the utility and made a new .iso.  One of the parameters that setcdboot 
requires is the < boot path> as well as the name of my new .iso.  I tried the 
root directory `/' as the boot path and DKA400 was at least accessed, but 
then the I got a `boot failure'.  Should the I set the boot path to 
`/boot/cdboot' or something else.  When using this utility is it still 
necessary to have `mkisofs' write boot blocks to the .iso or is it only 
required that I use `setcdboot' to make the cd bootable.

Alpha's are certainly special in a lot of ways.

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