install error for version 6.1: Cannot get packages/index

John Baldwin jhb at
Wed May 31 13:04:30 PDT 2006

On Wednesday 31 May 2006 14:27, pwangee at wrote:
> hi,
> My alpha machine is 433au with the freebsd 4.10. Now I want to reinstall the 
latest version 6.1 in my machine from CD. When I install it, everything is 
fine until the error message " can not get packetages/index ...". I really 
don't know the reason. 
> I tried to install it from FTP. It still does not work. Then, I check the 
website of freebsd and find that the distribution of the alpha machine for 
version 6.1 is empty. The distributions for other kinds of machines are 
avalable. The distribution of alpha machine for version 5.5 is empty too. 
> Anyone gives suggestions? Thanks

FreeBSD no longer provides pre-built packages for Alpha.  You'll need to 
install 3rd party software using ports instead.  This includes Xorg.  I think 
you should be able to install the system fine using the 6.1 CD so long as you 
don't select the Xorg dists.

John Baldwin

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