HEADSUP: Alpha support is being retired in 7.0

Wilko Bulte wb at freebie.xs4all.nl
Fri May 12 09:12:54 UTC 2006

On Thu, May 11, 2006 at 03:30:35PM -0700, Kevin Oberman wrote..
> > From: John Baldwin <jhb at freebsd.org>
> > Date: Thu, 11 May 2006 14:24:03 -0400
> > Sender: owner-freebsd-current at freebsd.org
> > 
> > Alpha was the first non-x86 port that was added to FreeBSD, and as such it has 
> > greatly aided the efforts to keep FreeBSD from being too i386-centric.  
> > However, recently the Alpha port has not had any active development or 
> > maintenance.  As a result, the quality of the Alpha releases that the Project 
> > provides are not on par with other supported architectures and is in fact 
> > degrading.  Unfortunately, as an architecture it has also been killed by its 
> > creator.
> I'd say to was killed by its owner. It's creator (corporate) no longer
> exists and its creators (designers) are very sad at its demise. It was
> an amazing design for its time and could have been a powerful force in
> hardware with anything that resembled reasonable marketing.

Interesting side note: quite a few of the Alpha folks moved to AMD.
And see what happened :)

> (Sorry for the digression. The Alpha was very dear to me and, while not
> a designer, I knew some of them.)

Same here :/

Wilko Bulte				wilko at FreeBSD.org

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