6.0R-alpha ISOs - not bootable?

Thomas Laus lausts at acm.org
Tue Jan 10 13:51:30 PST 2006

Date sent:      	Tue, 10 Jan 2006 19:11:05 +0100
From:           	Wilko Bulte <wb at freebie.xs4all.nl>
Subject:        	Re: 6.0R-alpha ISOs - not bootable?
To:             	Tillman Hodgson <tillman at seekingfire.com>
Copies to:      	freebsd-alpha at freebsd.org

> > Does 4.x boot on the 2100A? Reading the archives I came a cross a few
> > references to that.
> It is a long time ago I tried it, our 2100A has gone away years ago.  So
> you would need to find someone who has recently tried one.
FreeBSD 4.11 boots (or used to) on my 2100A.  My 2100A is dead (no picture, no 
sound) right now, so I can't verify that any of the current releases will still 
boot. There was an issue with the bootloader writing to a disk that had VMS 
loaded.  I disklabled the disk in another computer and then FreeBSD 4.11 wrote 
to the disk and booted afterward.  I never could get any of the 5.x CD's to do 
anything.  My 2100A died before 6.0 was released.

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