emulators/osf1_base (fwd)

andrea.crisanti at phys.uniroma1.it andrea.crisanti at phys.uniroma1.it
Wed Jan 4 07:15:52 PST 2006


I have several Alpha running FreeBSD which where using tools from 

How can I have them working now that the port is no more available?

Andrea Crisanti

"Trust, but verify."		
Russian Proverb
Prof. Andrea Crisanti			http://castore.phys.uniroma1.it/KR
Dipartimento di Fisica			Tel. +39-06 4991 3431
Universita' di Roma "La Sapienza"	Fax. +39-06 4463158
P.le A. Moro 2				andrea.crisanti at phys.uniroma1.it
I-00185 Roma, Italy			andrea.crisanti at roma1.infn.it

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