Alpha team, storm the front!

Marcel Moolenaar marcel at
Mon Mar 28 13:30:39 PST 2005

On Mon, Mar 28, 2005 at 12:20:54PM -0600, Roland Wells wrote:
> Hello FreeBSD Alpha list,
> I am new to this list and wanted to say hello and thanks for the great
> project. I have been using FreeBSD for fun and production boxes for
> several years now (on i386). I am working on getting a couple Alpha
> boxes running right now.
> I'm working on systems based on the PC164SX atx motherboard. Right now I
> have 5.3 installed and running. I am connected over a serial console.
> When it boots it stops and asks for "mountroot>" at which I hit enter to
> abort manual input. (see attached log)
> (is this a function of booting to serial console or single-user mode?)
> It then askes for pathname of shell (hit enter again) which takes me to
> single-user mode I believe.
> Does this mean that the Alpha port is limited to boot into single-user
> at the moment or is it something specific to my situation or serial
> console? (this is the first time I have installed/connected to a FreeBSD
> over serial console.)
> I have attached a log of my box booting, anyone know what the following
> in my SRM section means?
> *** no timer interrupts on CPU 0 ***
> Also, there is a series of "Unrecognized boot flag" lines in the FreeBSD
> boot, should I be worried about them?

Yes. If you look closely, you see that 'n' and 's' are accepted
as flags. The 'n' flag instructs the kernel to ask for the root
file system and the 's' flag means to boot in single-user mode.

So, you get what you asked for :-)

> (boot dka0. -flags root=nfsroot)
> Entering /boot/kernel/kernel at 0xfffffc0000344c30...
> Unrecognized boot flag 'r'.
> Unrecognized boot flag 'o'.
> Unrecognized boot flag 'o'.
> Unrecognized boot flag 't'.
> Unrecognized boot flag '='.
> Unrecognized boot flag 'f'.
> Unrecognized boot flag 'r'.
> Unrecognized boot flag 'o'.
> Unrecognized boot flag 'o'.
> Unrecognized boot flag 't'.

 Marcel Moolenaar	  USPA: A-39004		 marcel at

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