kernel compile errors

David david at
Mon Jun 13 08:49:36 GMT 2005

On Monday 13 June 2005 08:58, Marcel Moolenaar wrote:
> On Jun 13, 2005, at 12:44 AM, David wrote:
> > I'm following  RELENG_5_4 via cvsup - how long before I can receive
> > your
> > fixes?  Did you commit them to 5_4-RELEASE?
> I committed to 5-stable. The 5.4-release branch is for security fixes
> only, so I won't be committing on that branch. The following minimal
> change should make it work for you on alpha and RELENG_5_4:
Thanks - but I don't know how to use that info. :-(

I could track stable but I'd rather stick with 5_4-Release.

Can you point me to some docs to use the info you sent?

Or maybe a tarball of the necessary files?

Sorry to be useless ;-)

Thanks again,


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