Vinum + AXP + 5.4..

Pawel Jakub Dawidek pjd at
Tue Jul 26 21:26:19 GMT 2005

On Tue, Jul 26, 2005 at 10:04:09PM +0100, Angus MacGyver wrote:
+> > Could you paste output of:
+> > 
+> > 	# gmirror status md0
+> > 
+> > ?
+> Of course...
+> corsec# gmirror status md0
+>       Name    Status  Components
+> mirror/md0  COMPLETE  da0a
+> corsec#
+> (and for good measure md1)
+> corsec# gmirror status md1
+>       Name    Status  Components
+> mirror/md1  COMPLETE  da0b
+>                       da1b
+> Now, what I haven't yet done, is to insert what is the second disk into
+> the mirror, but i have all data on md0 when I mount it....
+> Why haven't i done it? 
+> Simple paranoia I guess... 
+> I wanna proove I can boot off the mirror md0 before I blow away data on
+> da0a and insert that into the mirror....
+> Failure to confirm I can boot off /dev/mirror/md0 could easily mean i
+> have a system that doesn't boot, and that ain't good to man nor beast...

Do you have /dev/mirror/md0 as a root partition in fstab on md0 and da0a?

Pawel Jakub Dawidek             
pjd at                 
FreeBSD committer                         Am I Evil? Yes, I Am!
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