PWS500a (Mitia) first install

Wilko Bulte wb at
Sat Jul 23 12:38:20 GMT 2005

On Sat, Jul 23, 2005 at 01:15:28AM +0200, Sten Spans wrote..
> On Thu, 21 Jul 2005, David O'Brien wrote:
> >On Thu, Jul 21, 2005 at 11:32:41PM +0200, Ulrich wrote:
> >>Hi Everybody
> >>
> >>I'm familiar with x86 based FreeBSD for about 4 years using 4.1 - 4.9 on 
> >>an
> >>Intel box.
> >>
> >>I bought a used PWS500a with two 2 GB disks attached to an Adaptec2940(UW)
> >>SCSI controller and a Toshiba ATAPI CD-ROM drive attached to a second SCSI
> >>bus. From the FreeBSD technical documentation I learnt that it isn't
> >>possible to boot from SCSI disks attached to an Adaptec controller. Since
> >>I'm also familiar with Alphas I know that it isn't that simple to boot 
> >>them
> >>from floppy either.
> >>
> >>I would be happy if someone could give me some advice what I should buy 
> >>and
> >>how I should proceed to get the box running freebsd 4.11. I thought of
> >>buying an IDE disk and removing the 2 small SCSI disks which have
> >>Windows/NT 4 installed on them. I already opened the box and detected that
> >>there isn't much space left so I doubt whether I find a place where I can
> >>put the IDE drive.
> >
> >I would buy a Qlogic 1040 or LSI 'sym(4)' card cheep on eBay.  The IDE
> >conroller in the PWS500a is simply a POS.
> Adaptec 2940uw is bootable with certain srm versions,

Not on the Miata (it is not a Mitia ;-) as far as I remember (and I used
to have both a Miata GL and a Miata MX5 at some point).

> Symbios 895's are a good choise too.

Not on all SRM versions either.

> Please note that boot support has nothing to do with
> freebsd. SRM has to support the particular adaptor.
> if the box came with 2940 booting from it may just work ..

Be careful out there: the Miata's that were set up for WinNT/alpha
using the AlphaBIOS had 2940 in them.  That does not mean 2940
will work with SRM on the same machine.

David's advice on the isp(4) card is by far the most sound one!

Wilko Bulte				wilko at

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