DC driver real slow on 5.4/alpha 4100

Bill Harris harrisb at rcisd.org
Thu Jul 21 16:03:41 GMT 2005

Thanks much Bernd,  I was hoping the full driver stack was
available in /alpha as in /i386.

I'll first see if I can clear it thru srm, if that doesn't work,
then worst case another card.

Thanks much for your help.


On Jul 21, 2005, at 10:04 AM, Bernd Walter wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 21, 2005 at 09:32:36AM -0500, Bill Harris wrote:
>> That was the first thing I tried.   I'm afraid somehow I've
> Ups - I've overread that you even powered down.
> However since this is a DEC card you can also do a lot from SRM.
>> caused the card to get into a non-functional state.   Tried switching
>> ports on my switch, unplugging, ifconfig down/up   changed from 10/100
>> and back.    I'm hoping that powering it down and leaving it all day
>> without network cable will let it reset.   Dunno.
>> What I'm worried about is those cards are hard to find, and what
>> other cards does FBSD support in the Alpha 4100, if this card is 
>> toast?
> Theoretically every card should work.
> I've using a fxp(4) based card in AS4100 plus PC164 and xl(4) based
> in PC164.
> I'm also running a tx(4) based in NoName, but these have broken support
> for autoselect.
> Card selection for alpha is only a problem if you want to netboot,
> otherwise the same criteria exists as for other platforms.
>> On Jul 21, 2005, at 9:18 AM, Bernd Walter wrote:
>>> On Thu, Jul 21, 2005 at 09:14:45AM -0500, Bill Harris wrote:
>>>> Bernd,
>>>> I have an identical AS4100 at home (my office heater) and had
>>>> put 5.4 on it last week.   It also shows to be using a dc driver, 
>>>> the
>>>> same DE500 card.
>>>> Well, I think I've screwed my home server up this morning.  It's
>>>> connected to a Linksys 10/100 switch, and it had been running
>>>> fine under 10baseT/half.
>>>> I decided to try and switch it to 100, through a telnet session
>>>> (should
>>>> have not been a problem) and the card has locked up.   I tried to 
>>>> set
>>>> the card (now from the console) to auto-negiotiate, but nothing.  No
>>>> lights at all on the card.
>>>> I've unplugged switch, card, power down, rebooted, but my network
>>>> card is dead.  It still shows succesfully probed in the dmesg, 
>>>> showing
>>>> the mac address and all, but it's interface is DOWN and won't come
>>>> back
>>>> online or show any LED's.
>>>> Having to leave for work after this fine piece of experimentation, I
>>>> unplugged
>>>> everything, turned power off on the server and left.
>>>> Any ideas how I might rescue/reset my card?  What are some options?
>>> You might have success with ifconfig down/up.
> -- 
> B.Walter                   BWCT                http://www.bwct.de
> bernd at bwct.de                                  info at bwct.de

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