Alpha vs. FreeBSD 5.4 vs. X

Richard Loken richardlo at
Fri Jul 15 18:03:13 GMT 2005

I can tell you what has caused such behaviour for me: when I introduce an
error into the X config and wind up filling up all available disk with 
error messages - the time I did this (and I forget what i broke), the 
errors were going to a .xsession error log file in my (not root's) home
directory.  This is not with a DS10 but with a PC164.

Think about your vga card and its device drivers.

   Richard Loken VE6BSV, Systems Programmer - VMS  : "Anybody can be a father
   Athabasca University                            :  but you have to earn 
   Athabasca, Alberta Canada                       :  the title of 'daddy'"
   ** richardlo at **             :  - Lynn Johnston

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