Call for testers: please test 4.11-RC1 on your Alpha

Wilko Bulte wb at
Sat Jan 8 06:23:52 PST 2005

On Sat, Jan 08, 2005 at 10:41:23PM +1100, Rob B wrote..
> At 02:12 AM 31/12/2004, Wilko Bulte wrote:
> >Hi
> >
> >We need more testing done on the various Alpha models for
> >the upcoming 4.11 release.
> >
> >Please check out
> >to see what Alpha models have been tested sofar.
> >
> >If you do not have spare disk capacity to do an install onto,
> >by all means at least test a boot into the installer.  This
> >ensures we do not end up with uncaught boot / loader problems.
> >
> >The installer as such as works OK in testing sofar.
> Are there floppy images of 4.11RC2 available?  I can't seem to find them 
> thus far.  If I can get the floppies, I can boot into the installer on my 
> PC64 and Miata.

I sofar only had uploaded the ISO images.  Per your suggestion I am
uploading the ftp bits (these include the floppy images etc) at the moment.

It will take an hour or 2 to upload to ftp-master, and then some time
for the ftp-mirrors to pick it up from there (don't know how often the
mirrors do their sync to ftp-master).

Please let me know how it goes once the stuff is available.  Oh, this is
RC2 that I am uploading right now, not RC1.

Wilko Bulte				wilko at

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