FBSD 4.9 on AlphaServer 1000a/400

Peter Jeremy peter.jeremy at alcatel.com.au
Tue May 25 14:51:47 PDT 2004

On 2004-May-19 18:05:23 +0200, Bernd Walter <ticso at cicely12.cicely.de> wrote:
>AFAIK the 960 can't handle drives with sizes greater than 8G and
>some firmware revisions even with drives >2G, but I'm not shure with it.
>Have this drives ever been in use with this controller?

We have a significant number of KZPAC (Mylex DAC960) controllers in use
and looked into this issue a few years ago.

I haven't seen any references to a 2GB limit.  DEC/Compaq/HP state
that the maximum drive size is 9.1GB.  We have experimented with
JBOD volumes using larger disks (18GB and 36GB) - which seem to work
successfully.  Note that block addresses wrap around at 32GB - the
configuration utility recognizes that the 36GB disk has 36GB but
wraps the top 4GB over the bottom 4GB - which is undesirable.

We didn't try creating multiple logical volumes on a single physical disk.

(Those with long memories will recall the same problem when the first
>1GB disks started appearing before people had updated their SCSI
driver software to use 10-byte commands (32-bit LBA) instead of 6-byte
commands (20-bit LBA)).

Peter Jeremy

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