Dev machine

Jake Scott jake at
Tue May 25 14:05:11 PDT 2004

I got it working with FreeBSD 4 once but I don't really need the thing 
so I never really bothered using it.  I doubt it's useful for anything 
other than playing - just wondered if it might be to anyone here.  If 
not I'll figure out how to fit it out the door and scrap it ;)



Wilko Bulte wrote:

>On Tue, May 25, 2004 at 06:56:43PM +0100, Jake Scott wrote:
>>Hi all.
>>There's an old AlphaServer 2100 server (4 procs) in my hallway doing 
>>nothing.  Is there anyone on this list that would find it useful for 
>>porting/building etc? I've read there is sometimes lack of resources for 
>Well... the 2100 and 2100a are not overly well supported in FreeBSD.
>And the person who did the initial hacking on supporting them 
>is now trying to forget he ever tried ;)
>So, it would take more work than you probably exppect.

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