SRM not initialising cards behind a bridge

Michael Kukat michael at
Wed Jun 23 10:19:54 GMT 2004

Hi !

On Wednesday 23 June 2004 12:13, Bernd Walter wrote:
> > If test hardware is missing, i have quite a lot of stuff which i could
> > put online with serial console or so :)
> Such tests require someone to swap cards, but if you could do a few tests
> with bridged cards on this box that would be fine.

One of my main problems is lack of time :) If i had the time, i would try to 
fix this myself, like so many other things i started a while ago.

But if it helps, i'll try to find some minutes the Weekend to put this card 
into the AS200 and play around. Anyways, this is the better solution than 
experimenting with the server.

Irgendjemand sollte das Wochenende hier Rasenmähen :)


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