4.9 networking/module issues
Richard J. Valenta
Wed Feb 25 11:59:38 PST 2004
Hello, I have a DS20, that I had been running 5.0, and 5.2 on - but
after a few attempts with some audio ports failed, I decided to take a
swing at 4.9. I was ok with removing the previous systems and adding
4.9 because I was under the impression that the more stable 4.9
environment would have better sound card support, and allow me to use
The sound issue never was resolved, and I've decided to play my
streaming internet radio games via i386 machines, but I still have no
smbfs support, and attempts to add it via the ports collection simply
result in the machine telling me that all versions since whenever have
smbfs support built in.
I did some research in the news groups, and have added the following
lines to my KERNCONF:
#options SMBFS
#options NETSMB
options LIBICONV
however, as you'll notice, it won't compile with SMBFS, NETSMB, or
NETSMBCRYPTO added, and I had to comment them out.
when I try to load an smbfs share off one of the Win2k servers, the
following happens:
worx# mount /archive/backup/webgate1
smbfs: vfsload(smbfs): No such file or directory
this is working off an fstab entry:
//backup at webgate1/www /archive/backup/webgate1 smbfs
ro,noauto 0 0
other attempts have the same result:
worx# mount -t smbfs //backup at webgate1/www /archive/backup/webgate1
smbfs: vfsload(smbfs): No such file or directory
worx# mount_smbfs //backup at webgate1/www /archive/backup/webgate1
mount_smbfs: vfsload(smbfs): No such file or directory
I was under the impression that smbfs could either be a part of the
kernel, or load the smbfs.ko module when called on - is this incorrect?
As I stated, this is a Compaq/DEC DS20 Alpha machine, with 512mb ram,
currently running 4.9 Release.
My situation is that I have this machine nearly by accident as my
employer got it for a software product they never used. The machine was
given to me with 2 tape drives installed, and I'd like to also use it to
backup the machines on my home network. However, I am unable to back
anything up as I can't mount the smbfs shares directly, and porting them
over from i386 machines via NFS has proven to only provide one level of
files and no subfolders.
On a side note, I've tried a SBLive, Vibra16, and AWE64 in this machine
with every possible kernel addition, and attempts to use a soundcard
have generally resulted in lockup - if anyone has any tips on that, feel
free to drop me a line - at rjv at weblinkmo.com - however, this smbfs
issue is obviously the one I'm more concerned about resolving.
Under 5.0 I had used sharity to mount the windows shares, and I'm
willing to try that again, however I would like to do my best to use
what is supposed built in to the system itself before I make additions.
Any help is appreciated - thanks.
Richard J. Valenta
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